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  • Kentucky NaNa

    Thank you so much Erica for all you do to help us save n get things we not only need, but things we want that we sometimes may ???? be able to afford for our families. having 7 grandchildren is a Blessing, but I don’t buy something for 1 without buying for the others . I even get the others something small on ???? Birthday’s cause some are too young to understand why they didn’t get anything ????????❣️… I also try to help with household needs since we have larger households . You’re truly Amazing, n I can now afford the lil things to help my Children as before couponing , I barely got by n was losing my ????, broken down vehicle, n suffered from depression due to that n health issues. so I wanna thank you n your OCC family for making a difference in my life, n my family’s life n so many others Lives in our Community/Gang too????????❣️ So in case no1 has told you Today you’re Amazing, n a Blessing, ✨⭐✨ Every Day … Ill gladly be that Chic ????????❣️You n your Family have a Blessed , Happy Thanksgiving, n thanks again for us having things on our table n under our Christmas ???? even through the pandemic, spreading Happiness n Joy to our lil ones n the rest of my family Erica ????✴️????, Bunches of ????❤️????❤️ to you n your’s Everyday????❣️…

    November 20, 2021, 1:34 pm
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