Right now you can score gift sets at Target for as low as $5 each! Axe,old spice, Dr. Teals, and so many more. The directions are simple.
- Click here
- Add $30 worth of participating gift sets to your cart.
- Clip the TWO coupon offers shown below.

Once the 5O% off offer is added, your total will drop to $15! Pay $15 for your gift sets and GET BACK a $10 Target gift card. That’s like paying $5 for 3 gift sets!
Very important! Your total at check out may show higher than what you will actually be charged. For most people the total at checkout shows $20. But check your bank account right after, you will only be charged $10. This is what most members have reported. Of course, these things vary by account.
Remember, the gift sets you select must have BOTH coupons available to clip in order to get this deal. Do separate transactions if you need more!